In all seriousness, I can’t thank her enough for the assistance and guidance she’s provided over the last decade or more!

While she has taught me a considerable amount of legal common-sense, and I have double-checked her on technical functionality and facts, we both agree – she is NOT an engineer, and I am NOT an attorney. Over the years, I have dealt with legislative issues, especially with Kari's Law Attorney Martha Buyer remains number one on my speed dial list, and there is not too much I don’t run past her. I will also caveat that with the need to contract with not just any attorney but one who understands telecommunications-related issues and is willing to research the current facts and trends, as this topic is currently very dynamic. Of course, while this is a handy reference during your research, for any serious matters, you should enlist the services of an attorney to review anything before formalizing any policy. You will find this helpful when interpreting legislative text on this issue.

To provide a little guidance, I’ve curated the following reference to some standard definitions focused on MLTS in the Enterprise as defined in the CFR Title 47. While indeed a good idea and one that is proactive in aiding with a potential emergency, language similar to the definition of 911 for 988 doesn’t exist. “ Do I need to do anything with the new 988 Lifeline number?” Today, at least, that answer is a flat NO. This leads to another question I often get. Did you know that a 911 call is also explicitly defined? It certainly is, and that definition is found under 47 CFR 9.3 “911 calls”. Pretty straightforward, right? Not so fast.
#Diallist definition code
“the US Code of Federal Regulations under 47 CFR 9.3 defines a ‘ Dispatchable location as a location delivered to the PSAP with a 911 call that consists of the validated street address of the calling party, plus additional information such as suite, apartment or similar information necessary to identify the location of the calling party adequately”. Did it mean the cubicle or office? Did it mean the street address of the building? Did it mean the floor or zone inside of the building? As initially written, a Dispatchable Location could have meant anything with no specific definition assigned to it.ĭuring my day-to-day interactions with customers, I am often asked, “ What exactly is a dispatchable location?” Each time, the answer I give is identical. Case in point, when RAY BAUM'S Act was initially introduced, the term “dispatchable location” had not been clearly defined. Having focused on emergency services and 911 calling for the past several decades in my career and my participation in several legislative initiatives, such as Kari's Law and the RAY BAUM'S Act, I’ve learned that the definitions of specific words define the meaning and teeth behind the law.